Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

How To Make Bunny Doll From Felt

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 21.10

Hello, happy Monday everyone!!! ^o^
Long time I don’t make a tutorial and because I’m happy today (Today is Nisfu Sa’ban and it means Ramadhan will come, Yeah!!! ^o^), then I will post a tutorial about how to make this cute little bunnies from felt. Its very easy to make. I got the pattern from Pinterest, you can looking for it and download it by yourself, because I have no right to post the pattern in here (on my blog). Or you can buy the book or the pattern, its up to you.
So, the first thing we need to do is cut the felt. Ah, I forget to make the tail. Just cut a round felt like you want to make a grape from felt.

Then, sew the ears like this. I use the broken white felt above the violet one.
Then, sew the black felt as eyes on violet felt like the picture. Sew the head.
Don’t forget to sew the nose and the mouth with yarn. I use pink yarn. Fill the head with batting or dacron.
Sew the body, hands, and feet (and the tail too). Fill it with batting or dacron.
Sew the head on the body like this.
Cover the neck with lace. If you have big lace, you can fold it like I did in this picture.
Glue the hands, feet, and tail on the body.
Now, we need to make some accessories to make our little bunny cuter. Make a big bow from lace and two bows from felt. I use some beads too.
The last thing we need to do is glue the accessories on the bunny doll. Then finish!
Isn’t it easy? Hehehe…^_^
I hope you can enjoy when you make your bunnies. Because its so much fun. The bunnies I make is rather small, just about 9,5cm x 4cm. So I use its as keychains. I use the cutest, the yellow one, as keychain for my motorcycle and the other three I give to my friends.
Okay, now I want to do my patchwork. So, see you next time! ^_^

1 komentar:

Yanie hobi mengatakan...

lucu banget kelincinya mba, btw makasi ya atas tutorialnya ^^

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