Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

Cake Pincushions

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 06.58 0 komentar
Oh, hello everyone! Oh my, I am really sleepy right now. But I want to write here before I sleep.
I just finished these cute cake pincushions. Lately I love to make pincushion because I am in no mood to make brooches. Eventhough I sell these pincushions pretty cheap but I am happy while making it. As long as I am in the mood or happy, I believe I can make something pretty. Hahahaha XD
By the way, I make lots of cake pincushions but many of them already sold out. Well, actually the pincushions that I finished tonight are someone's order. I hope she likes it.
Well, I want to sleep. Good night~♡

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