Jumat, 26 Juli 2019

Ketika Mama Masih Belum Berpindah Hati ke Desain Lain

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 02.06 0 komentar
Selamat sore! ^_^
Alhamdulillah baru saja menyelesaikan beberapa bros permintaan mama. Yups, ini adalah model bros favorit mama. Sudah sejak beberapa tahun mama menyukai bros dengan desain ini. Sampai sekarang beliau tetap setia dan enggan berpindah ke desain bros lain. Walaupun memang saya pernah membuatkan bros dengan desain lain, tetap saja beliau enggan menggunakannya. Malahan ada yang diberikan kepada orang lain, padahal brosnya masih baru.
Beberapa hari ini, ketika ada waktu luang, saya akan melanjutkan untuk membuat bros untuk mama ini. Beliau suka sekali menjahit baju sendiri dan ada kain percanya. Kain perca tersebut yang kemudian dibuat menjadi bros ini. Sehingga bros dan baju gamis yang beliau kenakan akan menjadi senada.
Sementara ini, saya istirahat dulu. Masih ada 2 warna lagi yang diperlukan oleh mama. Semoga saya ada waktu luang lagi untuk membuatnya. Hehehe ^_^

Selasa, 16 Juli 2019

White and Blue Sky Brooches

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 14.31 0 komentar
Yes, second post for today!
Well, I made thing in early month this year. I really like the result! I use white and blue sky fabric to make it. Fortunately, some of it still available on my online shop ^_^

My Work My Paradox

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 14.27 0 komentar
Last month I draw this doodle while thinking about my work. Because lately, I think my work doesn't make me happy. It's like never ending stuff that takes me from doing what I like.
That's why I draw paradox pattern as the centerpoint. Well, I made mistakes while draw this, but I think it is okay for being imperfect.
Thats why, lately I being active writing here and making handmade things. Because I don't want to become unhappy. I still do my work as best as I can, but I also don't want to stop doing what I like.

Minggu, 14 Juli 2019

Making Cute Motorcycle Gloves

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 14.48 0 komentar
Good Monday morning everyone!
Well, actually it is 05.15 am right now. But I already in front of my laptop. While I waiting to do Subuh Pray, I think I will spend my time writing here.
Okay, last weekend I made some cute motorcycle gloves. Yes, I make 2 of it. But right now, I will only post 1 with the tutotial. Why I make motorcycle gloves? Well, for some people it became dangerous if they don't know how to wear or use it. But for me, it ptotects me from sunburn. Yes, I still love drive my motorcycle. Because it is easy. Although I have lot of choice when I want to go to my office, such as drive my car, drive my motorcycle, or use public transportation. It is depend on my mood. Hahaha ^o^
Okay, its time to share the tutorial!
First, I choose the colour of felt fabric that I will use. I choose bright yellow, white, and bright green. Yes, I am in the mood for bright colour. Then I cut it like the pattern that I already make on paper. I also cut cactus pattern. Then I sew.

Jumat, 12 Juli 2019

Paper Mobile : Hot Air Balloon

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 15.24 0 komentar
Good Saturday Morning, everyone!
Okay, today I will post about my last project that is paper mobile. Actually I want to make it since long time ago because I need something to disturb the bats around my house. Well, we have a fruit tree in front of our house and it attracts the bats to come. We don't mind if the bats eat the fruit actually, because we believe should share kindness with other God's creation. But the thing I don't like is the bats eat it while hanging in our roof. Their vomit is dirty. It is troublesome to clean it. So, my father told me to make something that can move to prevent the bats hanging on our roof. Then I think, what about paper mobile?!
I choose hot air balloon with cloud as the pattern.
I use some origami paper because I bought it since long time ago but do not use it. Beside, the colour is so vibrant and I like it. Fold it in half then cut it.

Senin, 08 Juli 2019

DIY Making Watermelon Pouch

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 14.47 0 komentar
There was a time when I need a little pouch for my coin money. So, I thought I would make a cute one. Actually I made this last year on December, but I didn't post it yet. I only thought to share it on my whatsapp story. Fortunately, I still have the photos, so I will share how to make it in here too.
Lets check it out!
First, I choose materials. I used felt fabric and a zipper. I was too lazy to go to buy a matching colour zipper, so I used the one that I already have.

Minggu, 07 Juli 2019

Recycle Cardboard Into Cute Tissue Boxes

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 07.41 0 komentar
Oh my, it was about 10 months I don't write over here!
Lately, I become so lazy. Well, real life is so tough. But lets forget about that! I want to actively writing here again but I don't if I could do that or not. I would like to making many pretty things and share it here.
Well, lately I like to make tissue boxes. As you know, I love to recycle things. So, I recycle cardboard into some cute tissue boxes with laces and flowers. Some of them are available at Imero Hemo and mostly of them I use for myself or I giving it as gift to others. I already make lot of it. Take a look.
This is the first that I made this year. I got the black fabric from my friend. It already on my workplace because I want to use it for a big event in August. Well, that friend who gave me the fabric already not in this world anymore. I was so sad. She was a big help for that big event. She even wait and work for the event happily. But, God already called her. Oh my, I become sad again.
This is the tissue box that I use in my bedroom. I choose it because I use the same fabric for my laptop case and I think it is nice while I put my laptop and tissue box  together. Well, the colour is also bright and I love it.

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