Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

My Sunflowers

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 01.23 0 komentar
Look at my sunflowers!!!
Aren't they beautiful???
Well, lately for some past month I grow some sunflower with my parent's help. Because I couldn't do it alone and have no experience on it. I really love sunflower and bought it's seed last December (2016). I try to plant it for some times but always failed. Then, I tried once more with my parent's help. Finally, it growing!!! I was so happy. But as you can see, my sunflowers aren't perfect. Some of it were short, has pest so it growing abnormal, the leaves some broken being eaten by grasshopper, etc. Well, this is our first time taking care some sunflowers. We have plan to grow some more on our yard.

Oh ya, the lesson that I learn from these cute sunflowers was some of it suffered a lot (eaten by pest and grasshopper) but it still blooming into beautiful flowers. So, we should do like those sunflowers too. We shouldn't give up!

Sabtu, 10 Februari 2018

Tutorial Membuat Kotak Pensil Cantik dari Stik Es Krim

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 21.05 0 komentar
Hai, selamat siang di hari Minggu yang cerah! ^o^
Sudah lama saya tidak menulis tutorial kerajinan tangan. Kali ini saya mau membagikan cara membuat kotak pensil serbaguna (karena saya juga menggunakannya untuk tempat kuas make up) yang terbuat dari stik es krim. Masih ingatkah dengan karya saya ini?
Mari saya bagikan cara membuatnya. Silakan menyimak!
Tahap pertama, sediakan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan, yaitu stik es krim, gunting, lem tembak, kuas, cat akrilik, pulpen, spidol besar, cutting mat, dan kertas (untuk alas saat mencat, gunakan saja kertas bekas atau koran yang sudah tidak terpakai).


Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.08 0 komentar
I just got exhausted lately. People keep giving works to do. Actually I should given a 'help' to do my work as goverment worker, but unfortunately, it was actually a burden. They convinced me its was a float but I believe it was an anchor. I almost drowned! Because until today, I still don't know what it was.
Ah, I just want to throw it to trash can. But, I'm not allowed to do it.
By the way, I learn to use my new pentab. Yes, I bought Intuos Draw last month and still learn how to use it properly. I'm still not good with it, I need to learn more to handle the pen. This is the doodle that I made. What do you think?


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