Jumat, 12 Juli 2019

Paper Mobile : Hot Air Balloon

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 15.24
Good Saturday Morning, everyone!
Okay, today I will post about my last project that is paper mobile. Actually I want to make it since long time ago because I need something to disturb the bats around my house. Well, we have a fruit tree in front of our house and it attracts the bats to come. We don't mind if the bats eat the fruit actually, because we believe should share kindness with other God's creation. But the thing I don't like is the bats eat it while hanging in our roof. Their vomit is dirty. It is troublesome to clean it. So, my father told me to make something that can move to prevent the bats hanging on our roof. Then I think, what about paper mobile?!
I choose hot air balloon with cloud as the pattern.
I use some origami paper because I bought it since long time ago but do not use it. Beside, the colour is so vibrant and I like it. Fold it in half then cut it.

I make six part for each hot air balloon, basket, and cloud.
Glue every 3 piece of the part. Then organize it.
And then, I make tassel for the rope. I use wool yarn to make it. Then I put some beads to make it a little heavy. Then I glue it. Done!
I think the result is so pretty! I think I will make more later ^_^

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