Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

Flerado Fabric Brooches

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.26 0 komentar
Lately I like to make this kind of fabric flower. Maybe if you ever read my previous blog post you will find out that this brooches series is similar to my previous brooch series. Yeah, Flerado is similar to Vifaro, the differences is just in the falls.
Flerado is come from Fleur Rain Drop. I just think the falls that I make this time using seed beads and beads like rain drop.
Well, what do you think about it? It is available on my online shop. ^_^

Handmade Booknote

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.22 0 komentar
Hello, good morning! ^o^
Well, lately I just write a blog post each month. I’m so sad. I want to write more!
Okay, now I will write about a notebook that I made few weeks ago. That time, when I make it, I need a small notebook that I can bring everywhere but I was too lazy to buy it. So, I take some paper that I got a year ago from a hotel in Banjarmasin (Indonesia).
I learn to binding a book. I just use simple tools such as needle, yarn, ruler, pencil, cutter, and paper glue. For other stuff I use cardboard (yep, I recycle it), cotton fabric, lace, and ribbon.

This is the result. Not perfect yet but I like it! Hehehe ^_^

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