Kamis, 13 September 2018

Grey Brooch

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 17.11 0 komentar
Good Friday morning, everyone!
My feeling lately is not good. I've thinking many unessesary things. I want something, but that something has dangerous risk for my future. But well, keep it aside.
If you know me, I'm not actively do crafting for about 2 years. I still crafting, but not really productive. I don't get much money from it anymore. Well, I'm not good with promoting and people keep thingking that I make those for free for them. Honestly, I don't know what kind of face I should use while talk to these kind of people.
But, still, I make handmade because I love it. I'm happy while making something pretty (in my opinion). And lately, I want a grey brooch, so I make one for my self. It is a pair of brooch and pin. I like it so much. What do you think?

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

Tutorial How Making Cute Tissue Box From Cardboard

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.50 0 komentar
Happy Sunday everyone!!!
Today I make time to write over here. Because if you ask me if I am busy or not, my answer is yes, I'm busy with my work and my rest time. I'm not a robot so I also need time to rest.
Well, today I will write a tutorial how to make a cute tissue box from cardboard. Actually I make this about 5 weeks ago before Eid Day, because I need a new one for that day. I was too lazy to spent money on buying a new one, so I decide to make one by myself. Well, I usually make tissue boxes by myself but this time I used fabric not felt. Of course, the design also different from the usual one that I make (cake felt).
So, Lets start in!
1. You need to have these stuff : cardboard, glue, tape mask, white paper, scissor, fabric, lace, ribbon, pencil, ruler, etc.
2. First, draw the design of box on white paper

Jumat, 15 Juni 2018

Eid Mubarak!!!

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 14.49 0 komentar
Hello, good morning!!!
Eid Mubarak everyone!!!

Senin, 11 Juni 2018

Draw Flower Wreath

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.05 0 komentar
Few days ago I learn to draw flower wreath. I just got bored before I go to work, so I take my sketchbook and start drawing.These is my progresses:

It so much fun to do and do not have anything to worry because I draw it for fun, sometime I call fun things as stress theraphy. Hehehe! I only use simple things because I am not a artist. I only use small sketchbook, pencil, eraser, rotary pencil, and colouring pens from faber castle. I think I will make it again later. ^_^

Felt Little Bunny

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 15.53 0 komentar
Hello, happy holiday everyone!!!
Finally, I got my dear holiday after my busy work!
Actually I made this thing last month, exactly at Sunday, May 20th. But I do not have time to write it over here. Ramadhan is coming and it is a busy and happy month! Thats why sometime I forgot to do things I should do because I enjoy it so much!
Well, since I need a ney keychain, so I make a new one from felt. I always interested to make a little bunny so I made it. I choose mint coloured felt and it turn out pretty cute for me! What do you think?

Minggu, 22 April 2018

How I Spend My Sundays

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 03.29 0 komentar
Yeah! Happy Sunday, everyone!!! \\ ^o^ //
This afternoon I will write about how I spend my Sundays. Yes, 4 Sundays! I was busy like usual, so I don't have much time to write here. But I try enjoy my Sunday to the full. Okay, here we go!

Sunday, April 1 2018
I worked that day. It was my shift to manage the event at my city park with my coworkers. Well, it was work so there is nothing I should tell you more.
But well, this day my big bro came and give me my birhday gifts. I was so happy to receive the gifts! I also got my birthday gift from my little brother earlier. He gives me an earphone! Love it so much!
These are the gifts that I got :

Sunday, April 8 2018
I really enjoy this Sunday! I doing many things! Making some pincushions, organize my fabrics, watching anime, making keychain for my pen (Yes, for my pen because I like it!)

Sunday, April 15 2018
I was exhausted this Sunday! I doing house chores from morning to noon and got sleepy while watching anime. But like usual, I make some pincushions too. But it wasn;t finished that day. But well, I still enjoy my lovely Sunday!
Here the pincushions that I finished days later.

Sunday, April 22 2018
This is today. I spend my day making some bases for pincushion. Then making some pincushions. Well, I am still in the mood to make more pincushion. And I think I will not stop for some weeks. I will keep making it until I got another mood to make something else. Hahaha!

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018

Forest of Fruits Felt Cake

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.26 0 komentar
Hello! Good Sunday Morning!
Okay, I need a new tissue box because my old one doesn't come back. Someone or some people borrowed it then thinks that I am the one who should take it back. They think it weren't their duties to give it back to me. But if I take it back, they would call me "stingy". Well, I believe they need learn some common sense : If you borrow something then you need to give it back, doesn't matter the owner ask for it or not.
Because I really need a tissue box and I have time to make it, so I make one. I decide to make a small one. I make the base from paper and used cardboard (Yeah, I love recycle). Then covering it with some white paper so it make the felt over it more bright. Then I covering the base with some felt.
For the topping, I make some berries and leaves. Then I put it the way I want. I also put some flowers on it. I really love the result. It is so cute!!!

Felt Cactus Keychain

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.12 0 komentar
Good Sunday Morning, everyone!
Lately, I interested in felt cactus. I though it was so cute. People on pinterest making it into a bookmark pin. And yeah, I bought some big pins too! I want to try making it, but do not do it yet. Then, I need a keychain, so I make a felt cactus keychain.
Not pretty cute I think, but I like it!

Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Simple Fabric Flowers for Mom

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 13.52 0 komentar
Lately I am pretty busy with my work. It makes me lack some mood to crafting. I do not have much energy left when I got home from work. But today I decide to make some simple brooches for mom. I already those fabric flowers when I lack some idea then my mom wants it as simple brooches. So here I am, making those into brooches
Actually I make 22 of them but just take photo of 5. Each has different colour. So she can use it whatever colours of clothes that she wear. May be 22 is a lot, but I don't care. She can give it for her friend if she doesn't like some colours.
Alright, I should learn about 2 things before I go to work tomorrow. Yes, being a public health means we should learn everything everyday. Okay, see yaa!!!

Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

My Sunflowers

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 01.23 0 komentar
Look at my sunflowers!!!
Aren't they beautiful???
Well, lately for some past month I grow some sunflower with my parent's help. Because I couldn't do it alone and have no experience on it. I really love sunflower and bought it's seed last December (2016). I try to plant it for some times but always failed. Then, I tried once more with my parent's help. Finally, it growing!!! I was so happy. But as you can see, my sunflowers aren't perfect. Some of it were short, has pest so it growing abnormal, the leaves some broken being eaten by grasshopper, etc. Well, this is our first time taking care some sunflowers. We have plan to grow some more on our yard.

Oh ya, the lesson that I learn from these cute sunflowers was some of it suffered a lot (eaten by pest and grasshopper) but it still blooming into beautiful flowers. So, we should do like those sunflowers too. We shouldn't give up!

Sabtu, 10 Februari 2018

Tutorial Membuat Kotak Pensil Cantik dari Stik Es Krim

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 21.05 0 komentar
Hai, selamat siang di hari Minggu yang cerah! ^o^
Sudah lama saya tidak menulis tutorial kerajinan tangan. Kali ini saya mau membagikan cara membuat kotak pensil serbaguna (karena saya juga menggunakannya untuk tempat kuas make up) yang terbuat dari stik es krim. Masih ingatkah dengan karya saya ini?
Mari saya bagikan cara membuatnya. Silakan menyimak!
Tahap pertama, sediakan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan, yaitu stik es krim, gunting, lem tembak, kuas, cat akrilik, pulpen, spidol besar, cutting mat, dan kertas (untuk alas saat mencat, gunakan saja kertas bekas atau koran yang sudah tidak terpakai).


Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.08 0 komentar
I just got exhausted lately. People keep giving works to do. Actually I should given a 'help' to do my work as goverment worker, but unfortunately, it was actually a burden. They convinced me its was a float but I believe it was an anchor. I almost drowned! Because until today, I still don't know what it was.
Ah, I just want to throw it to trash can. But, I'm not allowed to do it.
By the way, I learn to use my new pentab. Yes, I bought Intuos Draw last month and still learn how to use it properly. I'm still not good with it, I need to learn more to handle the pen. This is the doodle that I made. What do you think?

Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

Welcome 2018!

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.53 0 komentar
Hello, happy Sunday, everyone! ^o^
It's 2018 now and I didn't post many things in 2017. Well, I was pretty busy since last month to do my year end works. Even in early 2018 I work so much, did many things for my work. I almost had meetings everyday, yes everyday! But then, i was finally end last Thursday. That's way I can enjoy my weekend! ^o^
I just want to enjoy my weekend staying at home doing handmade. Well, if I go out, I'm afraid I'll go shopping again. Ah, I already spent so much this month! I need to save money. Well, I think I want make something again, well, see you next time and enjoy your holiday!

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