Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Papercraft : Flower Shop

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 21.10 0 komentar

Good morning, everyone! ^o^
How are you guys? Well, lately I’m very addicted with papercraft, so I make the new one. Same like yesterday, I download it on Japanese Site (http://paperm.jp/craft/dollhouse/hanaya/index.html). Their papercrafts are so great!
This new one I made is Flower Shop papercraft. I thought the papercraft will same with the pictures on the site, but there is no cycle table. But its no matter. I love this flower shop papercraft. Enjoy the pictures! ^o^

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Ice Cream : Vanilla and Capucino

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.58 0 komentar

Good morning!
Let’s eat the ice cream! I’m in no mood to talk, so just eat this vanilla and capucino ice cream.

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Papercraft : Cafe and Patisserie

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 08.57 2 komentar

Good midnight, everyone! ^o^
Okay, tonight I will post my cute papercraf. I don’t design it, I just download it from amazing Japanese site. They’re so great!
Actually I want to do papercraft for a long time, but I was so lazy and I wasn’t interested with the design. But, after I find this amazing Japanese site, I become very excited to do papercraft. I download some designs so I can make them. And for the first one, I make the CafĂ© and Patisserie. So, enjoy the result! ^_^
I use my action fugures of Light Yagami, Misa Amane, L Lawliet, and Watari as my models. I thought they’re very cute… >_<

Oh, I forget to say that I use my phone to take the photos. I use the effect of photo called Japanese Style, so the photos looks like grayish or rather pale. Yeah, I love to use this effect! ^o^

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Mengubah Merubah

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 15.40 0 komentar

Aku mendengus pelan. Kedua tanganku bertaut, menopang dagu. Mata hitam di balik bingkai kacamata merahku mentap miris sebuah kata. Sebuah kata yang merasuk ke lidah-lidah kelu. Kata yang menjadi benalu di tangan-tangan pasrah.
Aku tidak menyangka, kata ini sanggup menembus berbagai pertahanan. Betapa memesonanya kata ini sampai ia mampu membutakan para sarjana, membuat mereka lupa akan aturan. Kata tangguh yang mampu menorehkan diri di lembaran putih kebanggaan para intelektual.


Aku menoleh, merasakan sepasang mata menatapku tajam. Salah satu alisku terangkat, membalas tatapan mata cokelat itu.
“Ada yang lucu?”
Aku menatapnya bingung, tersenyum, kemudian berkata “Tidak ada”. Aku mengalihkan perhatianku kembali ke depan, berpura-pura memperhatikan seorang wanita tua yang terus berbicara sejak tadi.
“Jangan bohong! Aku melihat dengan jelas kau mendengus sinis, ditambah seringai jelekmu itu”, gadis pemilik mata cokelat tadi mengajakku bicara.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

My First Patchwork Project That Finished

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 14.35 0 komentar

Well, I’m very happy because finally I can make a patchwork project, eventhough I don’t know for what I make this form of patchwork. Actually I was dream about make a patchwork
Horray! Finally, I can sew a patchwork, eventhough I don’t know for what I make this form of patchwork. But, who’s care? I dream about making a patchwork since about six months ago. I really really want to learn about patchwork because its so beautiful. And I always wonder how people can makes breathtaking patchwork projects. And I want to be like them who can sew beautiful patchwork projects.

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Waspadai Hamster yang Pertama Kali Melahirkan

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 15.43 1 komentar

Pagi! Kali ini aku mau berbagi tentang pengalamanku memelihara hamster, khususnya hamster betina yang baru melahirkan dan pertama kali menjadi ibu hamster. Ingatkan beberapa hari yang lalu aku memperkenalkan anggota keluarga baru hamsterku, ada 6 bayi hamster anak Regina. Sayangnya semua anak Regi mati di hari pertama kelahiran mereka. Sedih sekali rasanya.
Kejadian serupa juga pernah terjadi pada Ro (ingat hamster betina kesayanganku kan?). Pertama kali Ro melahirkan 5 bayi hamster, namun mereka semua mati setelah berumur sehari. Aku tidak terlalu yakin dengan penyebabnya,tapi berdasarkan pengalaman pada Ro dan Regi, kemungkinan besar penyebabnya adalah mereka baru pertama kali melahirkan dan menjadi ibu sehingga insting mereka belum terlalu peka.

Soft Rainbow Cake Felt

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 14.59 0 komentar

Hello everyone, good morning!!! J
Alright, today I will post our (me and my mom) newest tissue box. My mom want its to be blue but I don’t agree with her. I don’t know why but I rather don’t like blue. So, I make its rainbow with soft colours. Actually I inspired by my pajama or dress. I love its colours. Hahaha… J
And then, when my brother came home last Sunday, his wife likes that tissue box. She said its like rainbow cake. And I said its my mom’s. Hope you like its too! J

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Regina and Her Pups

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.21 0 komentar

Welcome, baby hamster!!! ^_^
Okay, today, August 11th 2012, Regina gave birth. She has 6 little pups. Look at this!

Tissue Boxes : Felt Cakes

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 19.54 0 komentar

Hello, happy Saturday!
Today I will post my newest felt cakes like I said before. Because of my mom wants to give her friends gift for Ied Day, so I make those felt cakes over tissue boxes. Oh my, my mom such good hearted woman. Actually my mom helps me while making those, she sew the strawberries. Its cute when she helps me and I love it.

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Tissue boxes : Felt Cake

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 15.05 0 komentar

Hello, good morning and happy Monday! ^o^
Well, well, well… I’m back now! I can do my crafting projects again. Yasterday, I finished my newest craft, two felt cakes of tissue boxes. I made it for my big bro because he and her wife likes my tissue box (remember the yellow felt cake I was made?). I make two, because my mom wants to. So, I make the choco pink one and the blue one. I use brown and pink felt on the first tissue box because I have plenty felt of that colour. And I use the blue felt for the second one because its my big bro’s favorite colour. I’m happy, finally I can make those felt cakes. J

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