Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Phone's Bed for My Mom

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 07.52 0 komentar

Alright, good midnight, everyone! ^_^
If you ask me what I make this time, then the answer is phone’s bed. Yeah, this is bed for phones. Maybe many people like to use phone holder to their phones, I have one too, but it doesn’t suit me. So, I make this kind of phone’s bed. I inspirated by traditional bed to make it. Okay, I call it as phone’s bed because it is place for my phones to rest. Weird? Yeah, but I don’t care. Usually when I doing something I like to put my phone beside me. Its easier for me to put my phones on this phone’s bed than phone holder, because I can doing blog walking while doing something else.

Pincushion Mungil

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 07.13 0 komentar
Kali ini ada pincushion mungil dan lucu di Imero Hemo !!! ^o^
Pincushion atau bantalan kecil biasanya dipergunakan untuk tempat jarum, baik jarum jahit maupun jarum pentul. Pincushion ini terbuat dari kertas, kain flannel, kain katun yang dalamnya diisi dakron, pita yang melingkar, serta manik-manik pada pita. Diameter 4,5 cm dengan tinggi 6 cm.
Pincushion hijau muda dan hijau lumut.
Pincushion ungu muda dan ungu tua.
Pincushion fanta dan marun.
Pincushion biru muda dan laguna.
Pincushion merah dan kuning.
Pincushion krem dan orange (not available, sudah tidak tersedia).
Harga setiap pincushion adalah Rp 5.000,00. Jika tertarik silakan hubungi kunjungi FanPage Imero Hemo di ^_^

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

My First Kanzashi Lotus Flower Brooch

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 19.50 0 komentar

I don’t have a blue nor violet brooch. But I have many clothes with those colours. So, I need blue and violet broochs, but I’m too lazy to buy. So I take some fabric from my mom, because I have not the satin fabric like that. Fortunately, I found blue and violet fabric. So I made its as my newest brooch.
This is my first kanzashi lotus brooch. I think its cute so I make more. Its available on Imero Hemo (here

Bros Bunga Kanzashi Lotus

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 03.59 1 komentar
Hello, sudah lama tidak upload Imero Hemo. Kali ini ada beberapa bros bunga kanzashi lotus cantik yang terbuat dari kain satin, kain sifon, kain tule, dan kain kaca. Diameter bunga kanzashi sekitar 8 cm. Pada bagian tengah bunga kanzashi, terdapat beads warna-warni. Silakan dilihat-lihat! ^_^
Bros kanzashi yang terbuat dari kain satin tebal. Bagian luar berwarna ungu dan bagian dalam berwarna hijau tosca.
Bros kanzashi yang terbuat dari kain satin tebal. Bagian luar berwarna biru laguna dan bagian dalam berwarna hijau lumut.
Bros kanzashi yang terbuat dari kain satin tebal. Bagian luar berwarna cokelat dan bagian dalam berwarna pink.
Bros kanzashi yang terbuat dari kain sifon warna baby pink pada bagian luar dan kain kaca berwarna putih pada bagian dalam.
Bros kanzashi yang terbuat dari kain tule warna krem pada bagian luar dan kain kaca berwarna putih pada bagian dalam.
Bros kanzashi yang terbuat dari kain tule warna hijau lumut pada bagian luar dan kain kaca berwarna putih pada bagian dalam.
Bros Kanzashi lotus terbaru di Imero Hemo,
Lotus Kanzashi Ungu, adalah bros/jepit rambut yang terbuat dari kain kaos tipis dan lembut yang dilipat menyerupai bunga lotus, serta beads, dan benang wol sebagai putih. diameter bunga 6,5cm dan panjang juntai (sampai beads) adalah 9cm.
Lotus Kanzashi Krem, adalah bros/jepit rambut yang terbuat dari kain kaos tipis dan lembut yang dilipat menyerupai bunga lotus, serta beads, dan benang wol sebagai putih. diameter bunga 6,5cm dan panjang juntai (sampai beads) adalah 9cm.
Lotus Kanzashi Toska, adalah bros/jepit rambut yang terbuat dari kain kaos tipis dan lembut yang dilipat menyerupai bunga lotus, serta beads, dan benang wol sebagai putih. diameter bunga 6,5cm dan panjang juntai (sampai beads) adalah 9cm.
Jika berminat silakan kunjungi FanPage Imero Hemo di Terima kasih ^_^ !!!

Cute Baby Bib For My Little Nephew

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 03.20 0 komentar

Look at this cute thing!
Yeah, I made it for my little nephew. He is about 7 months old and learn to eat his meal. He starts learn to eat since he’s 6 months. I made this thing, sorry I don’t know how to call it but its function like a napkin, he can use it when he eat so hist cloth doesn’t get dirty because of food. I inspirated to make it from a blog that I was visited, but I forget the website. Because his parents really love blue so I made it from blue fabric and blue felt as the tie.

Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Choco Strawberry Felt Cake

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.14 0 komentar

Is this choco strawberry cake looks yummy? Hehehe… ^_^
Alright, another tissue box for my mom. Like I said before, she would have a party at Sunday (20 jan). I made this one at Saturday and wasn’t finish yet until Saturday night. She’s very anxious that this felt cake can’t finish at Sunday. Then, I said to her to relax, I can finish it at Sunday morning and its finished just in time. Horray! ^o^
But look, my mom can’t wait to use it. She has put the tissue on it even before the tissue box was finished.
Martapura, 21 Jan 2013

Rainbow Felt Cake

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.01 0 komentar

Rainbow cake is so yummy… But, we can’t eat this rainbow cake because it is a fake rainbow cake. Hehehe… ^_^
Okay, my mom wasn’t statisfied yet. She wants more and more tissue boxes. Because she likes rainbow cake, so I make this rainbow felt cake for her new tissue box. Its small, just about 5” x 5” x 5”. When I showed it to her after she got home from work (at Friday), she looks so happy and liked it. If she happy then I’m happy too. ^_^

Martapura, 21 Jan 2013

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Tutorial Make Pincushion by Aina

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.15 0 komentar

Good rainy Friday morning, everyone!!! ^o^
Today I will write a tutorial to make a cute pincushion. Its very easy to make. I use paper, felt, cotton fabric, dacron, ribbon, dan beads.
Okay, first, I cut some paper. The paper that I use is waste paper. No, I don’t take it from trash can. Those paper I used is paper that I used to write my college duties and I need not its anymore (because I have the files on my computer). I cut its about 3,5-4 cm. Then I roll it into a circle. Diameter is about 4-5 cm. I use masking tape to close it.

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Door Stopper : Felt Cake

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.12 0 komentar

Look at my new door stopper! Isn’t its cute? ^_^
Actually I made those about 2 months ago. I made 4 but one of its (the yellow one) took by my sister in law to her house. So, its 3 left. Maybe you ask why I made many door stopper? The answer is I was too lazy to make a new one by request. My parents love to give the door stoppers to their family. If they give one, then they want a new one. And, I was too lazy to make one by one. So, I make four at one time (but my sister in law took one before I took the pictures). Hehehe… ^o^

Tissue Box For My Mom, Choco Cake

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 19.55 0 komentar

Since last year (not a whole year, just about two months), my mom wants a new tissue box for her. She wants a choco cake. But, because I was very busy with my duty as student, then I postponed it until now. And because now I have a holiday before I graduate from my university, then I can make her a new tissue box like she wants.

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Cute Applique Mini Pillow

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.41 0 komentar

Good Friday morning, everyone! ^o^
About a week ago, I went to my friend’s wedding party  with my friends. Alright, she’s not the great friend of me but I would like to give a gift for her wedding. But, I dunno what should I give. So, I decided I would make an applique mini pillow. The applique is the groom and bride bunny. Yes, its bunny eventhough its weird bunny, just the head, body, and fluffy tail. I use cotton fabric to make it.

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

How To Wrap A Gift By Aina (Bag Style)

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 17.19 0 komentar

Okay, today I will post a tutorial how to wrap a gift. This time I wrap the gift like a bag, so I need not use plastic bag when I go to the wedding.
First, cut the gift paper to 2 pieces. The big one for the bag and the small one for the handle.

Daily Plan Paper By Aina

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.17 0 komentar

Happy New Year, everyone!!! ^o^
This is my first post in this year. Alright, this time I make a … hmmm… what should I call it? Maybe, a daily plan? Yeah, daily plan paper! I design it using Ms Word Excel. Excel? Yeah, because its easy (for me) to make and print this big pictures. Its about 4 papers. I cut every paper then glue it together. I use post it paper to write my plan, then place it on the daily plan paper. I hope this daily plan paper can help me to arrange my plan. Hahaha… ^_^


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