Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Pretty Bows

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.50 1 komentar
Well, good sunday morning everyone!!! ^o^

Lately, I feel like back to my old passion that is bow! I really love bows! This time I make some simple bow using gingham ribbon, gold ribbon and fabric lace. Simple but pretty, isn’t it? Hehehe ^_^

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Diskon!!! Diskon!!! Diskon!!!

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.51 0 komentar
Diskon!!! Asyik, ada diskon di Imero Hemo!!! ^o^
Selamat pagi, hari ini saya mau mengumumkan ada diskon di Imero Hemo lho!!! Diskonnya sebesar 22% untuk setiap item (ketentuan berlaku). Silakan lihat foto di bawah ya!
Banyak lho yang didiskon, diantaranya :
Elebo dari Rp 13.500,00 èRp 10.500,00. Bros cantik berbentuk kain ini manis banget lho! Saya saja suka, hehehe ^_^
Fakei Bow Rp 11.000 è Rp 8.600,00
Umehana in Ice Cream Rp 33.500,00 è Rp 26.100,00. Saya merekomendasikan ini, karena ini manis sekali. Saya sendiri suka banget makai ini. Tersedia 2 buah.
Cutie Pie Brooch Rp 12.500,00 è Rp 9.750,00
Trio Sweet Flower Rp 10.000,00 è Rp 7.800,00
Crazy Rainbow Series Rp 24.000,00 è Rp 18.700,00.
Flower Arrangement Series Rp 24.500,00 ==> Rp 19.100,00
Masih banyak lagi yang didiskon lho! Ayo buruan pesan!!! Karena barang yang adarata-rata hanya tersedia 1 buah, jadi siapa cepat, dia yang dapat. Segera, kunjungi fanpage facebook Imero Hemo yaa!!!

Ayo berbelanja!!!

Lolita Bow by ainahafizah

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.37 0 komentar
Well, the third but not the latest blogpost for today. ^_^
I’m very happy!!! I work with my old passion, that is bow! I really adore bow and ribbon. Actually for the first, I make some bow in pastel colours. I think they’re cute.
But because I am into gothloli more than sweetloli, I think need to make dark version of the bow that I make. So this is it!
I call it Elebo for Elegant Bow, because it so pretty. I falling in love with this bows.

Eventhough I want to keep those bows for myself, I’m not sure when I should wear it. so Maybe I will make it again later, so for now, they’re available on my online shop. Hehehe ^_^

Cutie Pie Brooch

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.28 0 komentar
Second blogpost today. Well, I have lot of things to write today. Hehehe ^_^
This time I will write about my cute brooch. I call it as Cutie Pie because I put strawberries on the centre of the brooch. I think it suitable for little girls or teens, because it so playful.

I think I will make it again later because some of it already sold. Hehehe ^_^

Shoe Clips

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.16 0 komentar
Hello, happy Saturday morning, everyone!!! ^o^
This morning I will write about one of my latest work, that is shoe clips! Actually I want make it long time ago but I can’t decide what design to make. That’s why this shoe clips that I made pretty simple. Well, but I like it. Hehehe ^_^

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

FabricFlower Arrangement Brooches

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 00.12 0 komentar
Another blogpost for today, hehehe ^_^
Well, I got bored so I decide to play with my fabrics to make these cute brooches. I inspirated by real flowers arrangement. I know, it all not similar with the real one, but I still like it. I just have time to make 5 of it.
So, here they are :

They’re available in my online shop (Imero Hemo). You can visit me over there if you want but it. But, well, I just make one for each and won’t make the same thing again. So, grab it fast if you really want it. Hehehe J

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Cute Baby Bibs

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 23.29 0 komentar
Well happy Friday everyone!!! ^o^
Actually I make this about a month ago for my friend’s baby girl. I just tidy up my fabric collection then find the fabric that I used for make an apron for that friend of mine’s wedding. It’s about 2 years ago and now she already had a baby girl. I just think how about I make a baby bib for her daughter using the same fabric that I used to make her an apron. So, this is it!
What do you think? Hehehe J
(You can read about the apron on my blogpost 2 years ago)
Oh, I also make another baby bib with owl shape.
And of course a cute headband for her (the baby girl).
Then, that friend of mine sent me a photo with her daughter using the headband and playing with the baby bibs. I was so happy! J

Alright, see you in another blog post. Yeah, I will write another blogpost today. J

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Rose Clay Ring

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.54 0 komentar
Good Wednesday morning everyone!!! ^o^
Alright, it’s March already. Today I will upload my newest craft work, that is clay ring! Yeah, I am playing with clay again. Finally I can make this simple rose from clay. I use Thai Clay. I do not have a ring stuff, so I use small keychain ring then covering it with clay. Eventhough I use the smallest keychain ring, it still bigger than my fingers (all of my fingers). But I do not care, I am still learning to make something for clay. Next time, I will the ring stuff. Hehehe :p
I make yellow rose with a little bit orange. I am still not good at making gradation. Then,  I need to learn more. I know, the ring I make is weird, because there is a rose, 2 small red flowers, and grapes. Yeah, grapes. I just want to use the colour purple, so I make grapes. Weird combination, but I like the colours.

Alright, I need to work on my other project and to go somewhere today. So, see you next time!!! ^o^

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