Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

My First Quilt, An Ice Cream Quilt

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 05.06 0 komentar

Oh, no! I’m sick! There is wet season now. Rain almost everyday and I got sick because of that. When I go home after class (in college) is over, the day is rainy and of course I got wet. Actually I have a rain coat, but its very big like a bat, bat raincoat. Its difficult to wear it when the rain is not hard. I’m use motorcycle. Actually I can buy another rain coat that two piece, with top and skirt (raincoat for girl), but I’m very lazy because I need to save my money to buy something. But, I need a jacket that can protect me so I don’t get wet. Then, I got an old jacket. But, its not cute. So I give it my crafty touch. I make an ice cream quilt.

Tips Tidak Digigit Saat Memegang Hamster

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 04.23 5 komentar

Ingin memegang hamster yang lucu tapi takut digigit?
Sebenarnya tidak perlu takut ketika ingin memegang dan bermain bersama hamster, karena kalau kita tahu caranya maka kita tidak akan digigit. Kali ini Aina akan berbagi tips bagaimana caranya agar tidak digigit ketika memegang hamster. ^o^

Yarn Keychain

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 03.45 0 komentar

Hello, long time no write in this blog! Sorry, but this week I rather busy to do college stuff. But, don’t worry, I still have time to do crafty things. ^_^
Okay, today I will posting the keychain that I made from yarn. I make this because I have plenty yarn but don’t know what to do with it. I got the idea from a blog that I followed. I use cotton yarn that has 3 different colours. I also put a flower that made by ribbon. And glue the flower on the yarn. Finish! ^o^

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

How To Make Kusudama Flower

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 09.38 0 komentar

Alright, happy Sunday! ^o^
Today I will upload a tutorial to make kusudama flower. Its very easy. Actually I make this tutorial for me myself, because sometimes I forget how to make an origami flower. So, when I want to make an origami flower but I forget how to make it, then I can search it on my own blog. Hehe… ^_^

Soto Banjar

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 07.40 0 komentar

Ever you eat Soto Banjar, a tradisional food from Banjar, South Kalimantan? Hmm, its so delicious! Trust me! This is one of my favorite foods. Soto Banjar I usually ate was made by my mother, so its made for me with my taste. Because I don’t really like chicken, so there’s no chicken slices on my Soto Banjar. I really love my mom! She know my taste of food. ^o^

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

How To Make Cute Box ala Aina

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 10.07 0 komentar

Happy Saturday, girls! ^o^
Alright, like I said before (on my previous post) I would upload a tutorial about how to make a cute box from paper and fabric. In this tutorial, I make the little one. Material needed are cardboard, glue, cute fabric, ribbon, bead, thread, needle, pencil, scissor, and ruler.

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Cute Boxes

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 19.33 0 komentar

Hello, everyone! Happy Friday! ^o^
Today I want to show my newest cute boxes. Yeah, I’m a little addicted to make those cute boxes. First, I make the red one (I make the tutorial, I will post it after this). The fabric pattern is so nice I think. And the second one, I make the white-yellow with flower pattern. Actually I don’t like this fabric but after I combine it with lace, its became so cute. And I really love it! ^o^

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Cute ID Card Holder Yellow

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 17.28 0 komentar

Alright, back to campus! Its time for study. Actually I want to take a break for my craft activities. But, I can’t help my crafty touch even for my stuff for college.
Yes, I make a cute ID Card holder again. But, this one is different with the other one that I ever made. This one is for my activities on college. I wear it when me and friends discuss about a case in a room. I forget the system name, but its something like learning based case, we’re given an case to solve. Yeah, and the teacher will sit around us and keep silent, because he/she will assess us for everything we talk. So, the teacher need our names. That’s why everyone of us using ID card. And because my old ID card holder was broken, so I need a new one but I’m not in the mood to buy a boring and plain ID card.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Cute Boxes for My Cousin

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.28 0 komentar

“Oh, No!”, that was my expression when I know that day (Sunday) was my cousin birthday. Oh My God, I wasn’t buy a gift yet. What should I do? Then, I look for my fabric stuff and I find a cute pink fabric. Its like a rainbow, but with lots of pink. I think I would make a handmade gift for her by this fabric that I have.
My cousin loves pink so much, so I think the pink fabric I have is suitable for her. I just make some boxes from paper (I use linen paper) and covering it with the fabric. For the inside I covering it with gift paper, of course the colour is pink too, deep pink actually. I want covering the inside with fabric too, but  I never make a fabric box before so I doubt it would be bad. I make a cute pink flower from ribbon and use a bead on the middle. Then I glue the flower to the front of the boxes. And then, finish!

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Sejenak Tentangnya : Ia yang Melangkah

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 07.42 0 komentar

Ia melangkah. Melalui rimba penuh cerita menuju laut sarat rahasia. Ia tak mampu lari kencang. Sejenak ia akan diam, namun tidak mau mundur. Kadang ia tergores duri tajam. Duri yang menembus sampai ke hatinya Lukanya sembuh namun hatinya tidak.
Ia melangkah. Derap kakinya tak lantang. Bibirnya bungkam tak suarakan tujuan. Ia tak sesumbar, mengumbar asa. Namun ia tahu, Tuhan mendengar hatinya. Berharap Tuhan memeluk asanya.

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Tips Warna Perona Bibir Sesuai Warna Kulit

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 05.27 0 komentar

Sebenarnya dulu aku sempat bingung mengapa ada lipgloss, lipstick, atau lipbalm dengan warna orange, cokelat, dan ungu. Bukankah perona bibir itu identik dengan warna pink dan merah? Nah, itu pemikiran sempitku yang dulu. Sekarang, aku justru jatuh cinta dengan warna ivory orange salah satu merk lipstick. Nah lho?! Aku suka karena ternyata warna orange yang dihasilkan selaras dengan warna kulitku, namun tidak membuat wajah terlihat pucat. Nah, kali ini aku akan berbagi informasi terkait warna perona bibir yang cocok sesuai warna kulit dari salah satu buku yang kubeli. ^o^

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Baju Pink Imut

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 08.04 0 komentar

Akhirnya, selesai juga baju pesananku! Alhamdulillah! ^o^
Sebenarnya aku sempat bingung, punya kain tapi ga tahu mau dibuat apa. Itulah akibatnya kalau belanja tanpa pikir panjang. Hanya karena motif kainnya lucu dan sepertinya sulit ditemukan di Martapura, akhirnya aku membelinya. Tahu sendiri, aku suka berbelanja online. Sebenarnya aku punya tiga warna berbeda untuk kain bermotif kucing ini, yaitu pink, hijau, dan biru yang mana masing-masing berukuran 100cm x 115cm. Kebetulan kain kucing berwarna pink belum kusentuh sama sekali, sedangkan kain yang berwarna hijau dan biru telah kugunting sana-sini (ingat patchwork cushionku?). Pengen gunting tapi kok sayang ya? Alhasil, kuputuskan untuk membuatnya menjadi baju.

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