Jumat, 25 Desember 2015

DIY Pencil Box

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 06.14 0 komentar
Oh my God, how long I don't write a tutorial??
Okay, okay, this time I'll write a tutorial how to make a pencil box. Well, actually I want to do this since long time ago. Because I usually recycling things to make paper box and I want to people do recycle too. ^_^
Okay, let's start!
I use paper (used paper actually), cardboard (alsu used one), gift paper (I forgot to take picture of it), yarn, glitter ribbon, sateen ribbon, pen and ruler (to draw the box), scissor, glue gun, white glue/paper glue, match, fabric flower, lace,fabric leaves, and beads.
First, draw on paper. I draw 9cm x 9cm x 13cm. If you also use a used paper like me, use the good side for inside the box. Then, glue it to make a box.

Cake Pincushion

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 03.43 0 komentar
Hello, good night everyone!
I just take a break from making brooches. But, I can't stop my passion for crafting. So, last Monday I make this cute pincushion. Actually I want make it for my self, but I think my mother need it more than me. Her old pincushion wasn't in good condition anymore. So, this one is for my lovely mom who loves sewing!
I can make a new one for me later. Yeah, later. I have many things to make, hehehehe ^_^

Kamis, 24 Desember 2015

Cute Gift Wrap

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 04.55 0 komentar
Well, I pinned a tutorial about wrapping gift days ago. Then, this morning I playing around at youtube and watch tutorial about wrapping gift. I want to try it actually. And, I  get the opportunity! Yay!!!
My mom wants to give her nephew's baby a gift. Her nephew (or my cousin, but not blood related) gave birth to her baby girl yesteday. So my mom wants to visit her. Then, I said, let me wrap the gift! Hehehe ^_^
Well, this is it. I modify it so it a little different from the tutorial from pinterest and youtube (Sorry, I forgot the artists name who make those tutorials).
What do you think? ^_^

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2015

Happy Sunday and Happy Crafting!!!

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 17.09 0 komentar
Hello, happy sunday everyone!!! ^o^
Finally, I can crafting as much as my heart want to do. Actually I just photo shooting my new brooches series for Imero Hemo. But, before that I make a simple plastic pouch.
I just use a plastic and a zipper to make it. I just sew it then tadaaaaa!!!! A simple pouch for my toiletries (when I go out or traveling). I make it because I want to and I was too lazy to buy it from fancy store. Hahaha ^o^
Well, I was told by someone that I just need to buy things, not need to make everything by myself, especially recycling thing. I know, not everyone understand the value or handmade things, so I stop show it to them. It just waste my energy and time. Well, they can say what they want and I still do my hobby, that is crafting. Hahahaha ^o^
Well, see you in next project! ♡♡♡

Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

My Explanation and New Craft Project

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.44 0 komentar
Hello, good morning! Happy weekend!
Well, if you read my blog because you like me as a crafter,  you must be wonder why suddenly I write about my other job. Yeah, I ever wrote that I'm a public health who work for government. But, I never said where are my work place. I have reasons for keep it a secret. But, I need to reveal it for now.
I doing a training and education program for government, from November 8 until Desember 16 2015. I hope it explains things for you, why I do this.
Well forget about that! I'm a moody person and now I've bad mood. So, I want to enjoy my day with things I love.
About 2 weeks ago, I finished this kind of brooch. I got the fabric that I made as bow from a lady who works at a hospital in my hometown. It is pretty cute. What do you thing???
By the way, it already available at Imero Hemo. I will make more of it because I love the design. Okay, see you!!!

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015

Behind Story Idaha Brooch Series

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 15.20 0 komentar
Hello, happy weekend everyone!!! ^o^
Well, actually I want to write on this blog since last week, but I can't because I was so busy with life. Well, now I have the time~ ♡
This morning I will tell you the story behind one of my brooch series that Idaha. Last september, my mom sew couple dress for me and herself. I got the leftover fabric. So I decide to make new design of brooch. Then, this is it.

Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Flower Crown for Imero Hemo

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 22.06 2 komentar
Hello, happy Tuesday!!! ^o^
I write this blog post by my Remu-chan (tab) because I don't have much time to write by laptop. I hope with this I can write more often. Hehehe ^_^
This time, I will write about my latest work that is flower crown. I just want to make it, so I make it. I was curious. But I love the result.
I make 2 flower crowns, the ivory one for teenager or adult and the pink one for baby or toddler. What do you think?
By the way, this is behind the scene of photoshoot. Hahaha ^o^

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

Hello October!!!

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 21.18 0 komentar
Hello, good afternoon. ^_^
Well, pretty long time I do not write over here. Actually I want to write some blogpost but I can't post it. Something wrong with my account. T^T
I have many plan for this month. Both for my job as public health and crafter. I hope I can make it. ^_^

Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

Flerado Fabric Brooches

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.26 0 komentar
Lately I like to make this kind of fabric flower. Maybe if you ever read my previous blog post you will find out that this brooches series is similar to my previous brooch series. Yeah, Flerado is similar to Vifaro, the differences is just in the falls.
Flerado is come from Fleur Rain Drop. I just think the falls that I make this time using seed beads and beads like rain drop.
Well, what do you think about it? It is available on my online shop. ^_^

Handmade Booknote

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.22 0 komentar
Hello, good morning! ^o^
Well, lately I just write a blog post each month. I’m so sad. I want to write more!
Okay, now I will write about a notebook that I made few weeks ago. That time, when I make it, I need a small notebook that I can bring everywhere but I was too lazy to buy it. So, I take some paper that I got a year ago from a hotel in Banjarmasin (Indonesia).
I learn to binding a book. I just use simple tools such as needle, yarn, ruler, pencil, cutter, and paper glue. For other stuff I use cardboard (yep, I recycle it), cotton fabric, lace, and ribbon.

This is the result. Not perfect yet but I like it! Hehehe ^_^

Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.07 0 komentar
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan!!! ^o^
Maybe it’s late for me to say it because today already the third day of Ramadhan. But, I want to say it because I’m happy to meet Ramadhan this year!!! ^o^
Well, I’m busy with both my jobs, as public health and as crafter so I can’t write over here too often. By the way, my friend doesn’t believe me when I said I am a right brain person, because she said a public health must be a left brain person. Hahahaha ^o^

The fabric flower brooches in the picture is my newest craft project and it’s available at my online shop. Hehehe ^_^

Jumat, 22 Mei 2015


Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 17.34 0 komentar
Well, happy long holiday everyone!!! ^o^
Ah, I am very happy because of this long holiday. Yeah, because I must go to work six days in a week, so even it just a day off, I am very happy.
By the way, I usually make brooches from this combination colours of ivory, soft tosca, and baby pink, but me myself do not have a single brooch of this colours. So I decide to make one for me. Ah, I also make the pair of pin. So, what do you think?

Cute Blue Brooches

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 17.31 0 komentar
I really miss this feeling, the happiness while making pretty things. Look at this blue fabric flowers, it is cute, isn’t it?
Yeah, you know I actually not a fan of blue, but I must say this thing is pretty. But, someone already booking it after I upload it at my online shop. I don’t know why, but I like it so I decide to make one for myself, but without falls, because I want to use it to work.

Well, see you at my next craft project. ^_^

Senin, 27 April 2015


Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.35 0 komentar
Well, second blogpost for today. This is my newest brooches for Imero Hemo. I call it as Lobo. As usual, I design it to use in the head. I don't think too much while making it. Well, I just let my right brain to works as it please. Hehehe ^_^
So, what do you think?

Brooches for Mom

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 20.28 0 komentar
Hello, happy Tuesday! ^o^
I just realized that this month I just wrote a blogpost. I was busy with my work in real life that takes so much of my time and energy.
Well, this time I will upload a picture of brooches that I made for my mom. Last Sunday (9 days ago), my mom wants some new brooches and she wants it's done that day. So, I spent all night to make her those brooches. Well, I never can say no to her. As long as I can do it, I will do my best to fulfil her wishes.
Oh yeah, I forgot, I make this from satin fabric. By the way, my mom who choose the colours herself.
Well, see you next blogpost! ^o^

Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Eafleu and Moda Brooches

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 21.15 2 komentar
Well, happy Sunday everyone!!! ^o^
I was busy lately because I need to go to my work place and it is so far from my house, but what could I do? God already decide everything for me and I hope it is the best for me. Amin! ^_^
So, because of that I didn’t have much time and energy to make some new projects, but I still do my best for this hobby of mine. Last week I made some cute brooches that I name “Eafleu”. I design it to use in the head. What do you think?

By the way, yesterday I went to Q-mall (at Banjarbaru) to shoping with my new friend. I bought an eyeliner, a set of concealer, blush on, and eye shadow from Wardah. Actually I also bought a pair of shoes. Sometime I feel guilty to spent money on something that not too important such as what I bought yesterday. But what could I do? I want to try natural make up with soft colours (I usually use dark colours such as black and deep purple). So, because I feel guilty,I think I need to finish my brooch project for this week. I call it as “Moda”. It will available on my online shop. You can go there if you want to buy them, hehehe ^_^

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Pretty Bows

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 18.50 1 komentar
Well, good sunday morning everyone!!! ^o^

Lately, I feel like back to my old passion that is bow! I really love bows! This time I make some simple bow using gingham ribbon, gold ribbon and fabric lace. Simple but pretty, isn’t it? Hehehe ^_^

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Diskon!!! Diskon!!! Diskon!!!

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.51 0 komentar
Diskon!!! Asyik, ada diskon di Imero Hemo!!! ^o^
Selamat pagi, hari ini saya mau mengumumkan ada diskon di Imero Hemo lho!!! Diskonnya sebesar 22% untuk setiap item (ketentuan berlaku). Silakan lihat foto di bawah ya!
Banyak lho yang didiskon, diantaranya :
Elebo dari Rp 13.500,00 èRp 10.500,00. Bros cantik berbentuk kain ini manis banget lho! Saya saja suka, hehehe ^_^
Fakei Bow Rp 11.000 è Rp 8.600,00
Umehana in Ice Cream Rp 33.500,00 è Rp 26.100,00. Saya merekomendasikan ini, karena ini manis sekali. Saya sendiri suka banget makai ini. Tersedia 2 buah.
Cutie Pie Brooch Rp 12.500,00 è Rp 9.750,00
Trio Sweet Flower Rp 10.000,00 è Rp 7.800,00
Crazy Rainbow Series Rp 24.000,00 è Rp 18.700,00.
Flower Arrangement Series Rp 24.500,00 ==> Rp 19.100,00
Masih banyak lagi yang didiskon lho! Ayo buruan pesan!!! Karena barang yang adarata-rata hanya tersedia 1 buah, jadi siapa cepat, dia yang dapat. Segera, kunjungi fanpage facebook Imero Hemo yaa!!!

Ayo berbelanja!!!

Lolita Bow by ainahafizah

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.37 0 komentar
Well, the third but not the latest blogpost for today. ^_^
I’m very happy!!! I work with my old passion, that is bow! I really adore bow and ribbon. Actually for the first, I make some bow in pastel colours. I think they’re cute.
But because I am into gothloli more than sweetloli, I think need to make dark version of the bow that I make. So this is it!
I call it Elebo for Elegant Bow, because it so pretty. I falling in love with this bows.

Eventhough I want to keep those bows for myself, I’m not sure when I should wear it. so Maybe I will make it again later, so for now, they’re available on my online shop. Hehehe ^_^

Cutie Pie Brooch

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.28 0 komentar
Second blogpost today. Well, I have lot of things to write today. Hehehe ^_^
This time I will write about my cute brooch. I call it as Cutie Pie because I put strawberries on the centre of the brooch. I think it suitable for little girls or teens, because it so playful.

I think I will make it again later because some of it already sold. Hehehe ^_^

Shoe Clips

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 16.16 0 komentar
Hello, happy Saturday morning, everyone!!! ^o^
This morning I will write about one of my latest work, that is shoe clips! Actually I want make it long time ago but I can’t decide what design to make. That’s why this shoe clips that I made pretty simple. Well, but I like it. Hehehe ^_^

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

FabricFlower Arrangement Brooches

Diposting oleh ainahafizah di 00.12 0 komentar
Another blogpost for today, hehehe ^_^
Well, I got bored so I decide to play with my fabrics to make these cute brooches. I inspirated by real flowers arrangement. I know, it all not similar with the real one, but I still like it. I just have time to make 5 of it.
So, here they are :

They’re available in my online shop (Imero Hemo). You can visit me over there if you want but it. But, well, I just make one for each and won’t make the same thing again. So, grab it fast if you really want it. Hehehe J

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